Inner Transformation


What makes a Leader, Manager, Supervisor or Non-Exec effective & successful? What makes them ineffective?

Anything and everything we do is governed by our routine which in turn, translates into our behaviours and finally, results. We cannot manage the outcome of the results before Re-Engineering the internal factors that governs the results. We must address the source which are, Self-Awareness and Paradigms.

Hence, Inner Transformation is needed for true change to happen and for success to take place. Before Leaders can lead people effectively, they must first lead themselves effectively. Which is why they must first master the fundamentals of developing and expanding self-awareness, making a paradigm-shift and creating inside-out change that is lasting and leads to consistent effectiveness & continuous success! 

This program presents an “inside-out roadmap" or consistent set of actions that will result in personal & Professional effectiveness through time-tested tools that would lead to lasting transformation and consistent effectiveness.

The purpose of this 2-day self-empowering program is to equip HODs, Managers & Mid-Level Management with proven, time-tested, universal principles and tools to achieve Professional effectiveness & success, through Inner Transformation.



At the end of this program, you will be able to:

- Use the DISC Personality Assessment to better understand themselves and maintain positive interpersonal relationships with everyone at work
- Use Self-Awareness and Paradigm-Shift as tools to consistently evaluate themselves, address blind-spots and make improvements
- Distinguish between a Reactive and a Proactive Minded Leader
- Think and respond Proactively by taking initiative & being resourceful, taking full responsibility and doing the right thing
- Use 'Solution-Focused Language' instead of Victimized Language, to inspire solutions to everyday challenges
- Develop a 'goal or outcome-mindset' as effective Leaders and direct all focus and energies to achieving the desired objectives
- Prioritize and maximize focus, effort, energy & time (FEET) on important activities only and eliminate energy and time-wasting activities
- Use “Mindful Communication & Listening” tools to improve rapport & understanding and receive feedback effectively from boss and customers
- Adopt the mindset of “consistent renewal” to continuously improve yourself and your team and unleash unlimited potential

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No Topic Topic Description
1 Module 1 – Introduction To The Fundamentals Of Inner Transformation

The Fundamentals Of Inner Transformation

  •  How do you effectively solve problems?
  • What is inner transformation?
  • Why leaders generally fail? The elephant in the room
  • Lead yourself first, before leading others
  • Why must we change? What if we don't?
2 Module 2 – Inner Transformation Tools

The 1st Transformation – Self-Awareness, Paradigm & Mindset

  • Psychometric disc test – Discover your disc personality
  • Self-awareness & Paradigm shift!
  • How self-aware are you? Self-assessment exercise
  • What is the meaning of ‘proactive’? 
  • Group discussion - what language do you use at your workplace?
  • Victimized language & how it works against you (self-sabotaging)

The 2nd Transformation – Cultivate “Tunnel Vision”

  • Live or exist? By design or default?
  • What is "tunnel vision"?
  • Principle of visualization and imagination
  • Group exercise – action plan & tunnel vision goals for your company

The 3rd Transformation – Choose & Prioritize The Important

  • What is 'Choose & Prioritize the first' & why? Work examples
  • Urgent vs. Important
  • Procrastination at the workplace – Why it happens?

The 4th Transformation – Win-Win Thinking & Mindful Communication

  • The limited & abundant thinking styles
  • Why is win-win important & how to cultivate it at the workplace?
  • Principles of effective communication
  • How do you respond to feedback?
  • Role-plays - Receiving feedback proactively

The 5th Transformation – Renewing The “Asset”

  • Time, Sacrifice & Results
  • Who is the 'Asset and how to renew the asset, and why?
  • The Goose and The Golden Egg
  • Preserve and renew the key areas of your life



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