Interpersonal and Communication Skills


To be effective, Managers, Executives, and Supervisors must be equipped with a KEY skill - COMMUNICATION SKILLS. Communication skills is the backbone of a leader's success. A good leader conveys his messages with clarity using a proper tone, the right communication style and "language" or choice of words. A good leader is also able to demonstrate good listening and provide feedback effectively to improve rapport and relationships with subordinates and solve problems.



At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

- Identify and remove “communication roadblocks” or barriers that undermine their ability to communicate effectively
- Use the 3Cs of Communication for positive impact
- Use Proactive / "Solution-Focused" language to inspire ownership of problems and solutions to everyday operational issues
- Use constructive communication and avoid destructive ones that aggravates the situation
- Use the right words and phrases when disagreeing, giving suggestions, or opinions
- Use The CURE Model of Active Listening skills to build better rapport & understanding
- Improve interpersonal relations with subordinates and everyone and develop a positive, harmonious culture

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No Topic Topic Description
1 Communication & Professionalism
  • How Do People Judge Your Leadership – The Fastest Way?
  • Why Is Communication Important to You as Leaders?
  • The 3Cs of Communication
  • The 2 Major Barriers to Effective Communication
2 Proactive Language
  • Johari Window & Self-Awareness
  • Elephant In the Room
3 Communication Tools
  • The 3 Basic Communication Styles - Aggressive, Passive & Assertive
  • Negative Statements to Avoid!
  • Why Use the Assertive / Proactive Way?
  • What Happens When We Don't Listen?
  • The Main Principle of Listening
  • The C.U.R.E Listening Skills Model



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