The Unstoppable Wealth Coaching


Wealth coaching is essentially the study of one's relationship with money and wealth. We all have a relationship with money, and through money messages that we learned at an early age, this relationship guides the majority of behaviours throughout our lives. With the Unstoppable Wealth coaching, we work on emotional relation with money, actual wealth portfolio, if your money is working for you and against you among the many other things that are covered.


At the end of this program, participants will be able to:

- Learn/Understand/Master how money flows, where their money blockages are both emotionally and in the real world.
- Apply the skills learned in everyday experience, turn bad debt in good debt.
- Analyze where there are money leaks, how to stop them and turn them into positive cash flow assets
- Evaluate where good deals are and how to get deals that generate positive cash flows for them

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No Topic Topic Description
1 Rich vs Poor Mindset

How to differentiate where do you fall into

2 Is your money working for you or against you?

Learning what is the difference between the two and knowing where you fall into

3 Limiting and empowering beliefs around wealth

Emotional reasons for not getting wealth, identifying them and eradicating them

4 Building wealth habits.

Daily routines, habits around wealth creation

5 Understanding cash flow

Why a positive cash flow it eh key and how to know the difference between a positive and a negative cash flow

6 Differentiating between assets and liabilities

Most assets usually are liabilities, working to understanding the difference between the two

7 Learning how to do risk analysis on your investments

How not to lose money in investments by learning what to analyze and what to avoid

8 The power of budgeting and how it works.

Daily, monthly, yearly expenses on how to manage and balance the sheets

9 Using debt to get wealthy

The art of using Other People’s Money (OPM) to get rich, how this can be done

10 Building your Wealth portfolio

A complete chart of all your assets, liability, income and expenses and how to make it a healthy and a growing portfolio

11 Time vs income producing activities

Time audit and how is time spent relevant to how much we make

12 How to multiply your wealth

The art of using money to grow money, what deals to accept and which ones to leave



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